Why Join Us

  • Participating with us will allow you to support inclusive policies that promote opportunities for employment and advancement for professionals from the Arunthathiyar community.
  • Your support will strengthen our voice in advocating for justice and equality.
  • We provide training, workshops, and resources to empower those committed to our aims.
  • By joining us, you will gain access to these opportunities, enabling you to pursue our collective goals effectively.

Arunthathiyar Social Justice Federation (ASJF)

We ensure to make positive changes in the lives of the Arunthathiyar community by impacting policies and programs while strengthening the civil society organisations working for this cause.

Since 2019, we have been working as a forum to uplift the Arunthathiyar community, especially women and children, while putting out extensive initiatives that include active government participation through laws, regulations, national action plans, and accountability systems to guarantee their benefit. We comprise 61 Arunthathiyar led community based organizations across Tamil Nadu.
Our goal is to promote policy changes by collecting, analyzing, and sharing data on the community's economic, social, political, and educational standing. We intend to impact 100 organizations in Tamil Nadu, enhance internal reservations and guarantee appropriate accessibility by constructing more robust and comprehensive advocacy campaigns at the state level. Our organization makes sure to eradicate manual scavenging and look for alternate work for them. In collaboration …

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Latest Programs

Capacity Building and Training Programs

We work to enhance the capacities of Arunthathiyar groups, organizations, and individuals who are dedicated to our goals. Under our programs, providing these organizations the tools, resources, and training they need to successfully pursue their objectives is our main goal.

Advocacy Programs

We create strong and all-encompassing state-level advocacy efforts to improve internal reserves and guarantee suitable accessibility for the Arunthathiyar group. The goal of these initiatives is to raise public and legislative awareness of the rights and needs of the community.

Women economic empowerment program

The lack of income generating resources and skills are the major causes for the poverty and bonded laborer system. To abolish the slavery system we provide micro credit for the women to promote them as micro entrepreneurs. With support of Right Sharing fo World resources our net work members got grant for women income generating activities.the micro credit were given to women for goat rearing, milk animals, petty shops, cloth business, old metal shops and tailoring shops. With support of RSWR about 750 women got an opportunity to start small businesses. Also hand holding supports are provided to avail the government schemes for self employments.

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Latest Events

Senior Management Team Visit by Dhwani Foundation

The Dhwani Foundation team visited ASJF, where the CEO, Advocacy Policy Executive, and Admin shared their work experiences and discussed possible challenges. The Dhwani team reviewed the ASJF Board’s roles and responsibilities and provided suggestions on second-line management, good governance, finance, and other key aspects. They also engaged with ASJF members to discuss recent changes in the government, donors, community, and the NGO sector.

Sub Committee Members' Meeting & New Member Addition

A meeting was held for subcommittee members to discuss important updates. Board members and the Secretariat team briefed attendees on the purpose of ASJF and the work ahead. The requirements for the new Azim Premji Projects were shared, along with information about the Niranthara Lite program, its purpose, and its importance.

CSR Project Sustainability - Online Meeting

The Secretariat team and Board participated in an online meeting on CSR Project Sustainability. CSR professionals, along with the Dhwani Foundation, discussed current and future partnership opportunities with federations, including ASJF. The session provided valuable insights and motivation for the ASJF team

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